About Us

Welcome to DGBusiness.com your one-stop sourcing platform for all your business needs. DGBusiness.com is a business vertical of Sharaf DG, the omnichannel retailer established in Dubai, UAE in 2005. We are a business-focused marketplace where small and medium businesses (SMBs) discover, interact, and buy products and services by engaging with brands and authorized sellers.


Benefits of DGBusiness.com  for Sellers

As a Brand, Distributor, Supplier and as seller, the platform offers great benefits and opportunities for expanding your business and compounding your sales. If you are yet to get discovered by the leading business buyers (B2B Procurement and Sourcing) in UAE and global markets, DGBusiness.com is the perfect place for you. Apply to become a seller and grow your business.

Increased Visibility and Reach: Our online B2B marketplaces allow sellers to reach a much larger audience of potential customers than they might be able to reach through traditional sales channels. This helps sellers to expand their customer base and increase sales.

Lower Operating Costs: DGBusiness.com has lower overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar stores or traditional sales channels. This translates into lower operating costs for sellers, resulting in increased profitability. We have an in-house Call Center to serve the customers or buyers’ facility.

Improved Efficiency: We offer a centralized platform where sellers can manage their entire sales process, from listing products to managing orders and shipping. This can help sellers streamline their operations, saving time and money.

Access to Valuable Data Insights: Online B2B marketplaces can provide valuable data insights to sellers, including customer behavior and purchasing patterns. This information can help sellers optimize their sales strategies and improve their offerings over time.

Access to Global Markets: We provide sellers with an opportunity to access global markets without the need for significant investment in infrastructure, logistics, and sales teams. We help sellers expand their business beyond their domestic market and tap into new revenue streams. Global shipments/export are arranged by our team.

Competitive Intelligence: Our B2B marketplaces provide sellers with access to competitive intelligence, including information on competitor pricing, product offerings, and sales strategies. This information can help sellers adjust their own strategies to remain competitive.


Brand Awareness: By listing their products on our popular B2B marketplaces, sellers can increase brand awareness and exposure to potential customers. This can help sellers establish their brand in the market and attract new customers.

End-to-End Business Solutions: Many B2B marketplaces offer sellers access to a range of business services, including logistics, payment processing, and marketing services. This can help sellers reduce their operating costs and improve their bottom line.

Learn about Trends Global brands will invite you to webinars. You and your team can participate, learn about trends and grow your business.

Apply to Become a Seller We are looking to expand categories, brands, and sellers on the platform.