Banking Information |
Includes the Routing Number, Account Number, Bank Account Type, and Account Holder Name. This will be Used for payments made by EFT. |
Business Type |
Business Type, same as when registered with your State. i.e., manufacturing, resale, printing, restaurant, etc. |
Chemical Product Information |
When accepting an agreement for appropriate departments / categories pertaining to chemicals, you will be prompted to indicate if your products contain chemicals |
Partner Registration and Certification |
Start |
Navigate to:
DisplayBusinessExchange.com |
Registration |
Register to become a Partner by providing the required information |
Account Activation |
Receive the Retail Link Account Activation email and respond to request |
Approval |
Receive Retail Link User ID and Password via email once your application has been approved |
Certification |
You are now certified to become a Partner with Core and your products can be seen and shopped for by Core Partners and buyers. If they like what they see, they will be able to purchase through Core.
Sign into Retail Link with the new User ID and Password you received in your email, and navigate Manage Order Tab in your Partners Page.
Set up your Partner Profile and Products |
Licenses: Business Contractor etc |
Please copy and submit your current State license authorizing you to do business. |